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Midnight 85 01-12-2006 11:10 AM

Fighting a Nasty Hangover?
What's your game plan... for fight a nasty hangover?
Cargo Magazine ( )

"Hitting the gym after a night out does wonders for me. It's heallish at first, but once you start sweating out the toxins, you'll feel like a new person. Sitting in the sauna will do the trick too. Just be sure to drink a lot of fluids so you stay hydrated."
Brian R., 33, Charlotte, NC

"I chug some OJ to restock on vitamin X, eat a banana for potassium, fry some eggs for B vitamins, and much on bacon because it's so darn tasty."
Willy P., 27, Washington, D.C.

"I pound a bottle of Gatorade and take two Advil before going to sleep, and repeat as soon as I wake up (but I don't make it a habit; mixing meds and alcohol can be rough on the stomach)."
Steve F., 27 Oyster Bay, NY

"The phrase 'hair of the dog that bit you' sums up my method. There is nothing like a screwdriver to relieve the worst hangover. Don't go nuts. One drink'll bring you back to life, two will put you to sleep, and three could get you hammered, again."
Mark S., 28, Omaha, NE

"Look no furth than the infant aisle at the drugstore: Pedialyte is given to sick babies to restore hydration, but it is also a great relief from a rough night. And they even even make a freezer pop."
Scott D., 32, Chicago, IL

Headache Proof?
Want the highs but not the lows the next time you hit the town? The new Asian vodka Han promises hangover-free fun. Made with barley, polished rice, and spring water, the liquor undergoes a unique freeze filtration process manufacturers claim eliminates impurities that cause hangovers. In Cargo's test, we found the spirit easy to sip: It has a distint sweetnessother vodkas don't "aficionados won't find it authentic, but other people will like it just fine". After a few months, it seemed to impair our senses less than other brands usually do, but it did result in a slight but noticable hangover the next day. Both effects may be due to the 48-proof alcohol content, compared to the standard vodka's 80. So although we can't garuntee you a painless wake-up call, Han's mild impact could make going the distance easier when duty calls.


The average number of drinks that causes hangover syptoms is 3.2*

*According to a survey by Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief.

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