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yableep 02-10-2018 11:29 AM

auto Transmission issue
Hi all,
Maybe someone has any experience or similar problem.
I have a 2007 voyager 2.8crd with auto transmission.
It is intermittent and mostly occurs on cold running.
On the second gear shift it hesitates a fraction of a second and then jumps in to gear. Mostly it happens after going down a curb or over speed bumps.
It doesn't do it on any other gear changes and on down shift. It very rarely does it when the engine is hot. I changed the oil and filter. The symptoms disppearedfor a couple of days and than it came back.
Weird or what!
Does a transmission fluid change needs to be reset in the software?
Thanks guys

dieselvoyager 02-16-2018 04:51 AM

I guess it's a RG model ?

You don't need to reset TCM when changing ATF oil , but if you leave battery disconnected the TCM will start new learn program depending how you drive.

Are you sure there is enough oil in trany ? drive a few miles and leave the car idle on level ground (in park) and check level . Chryslers is very sensitive to fluid level in trany not to much and to little will also kill it.

dieselvoyager 02-16-2018 04:54 AM

And only use Mopar ATF+4 oil !

yableep 02-16-2018 08:48 AM

Hi dieselvoyager,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, it is an RG model.
I only use ATF +4.
I will check the level this weekend and see.

yableep 02-17-2018 11:18 AM

Looks like there is a little too much fluid in there, went over the hot mark.

dieselvoyager 02-18-2018 12:50 PM

Yes this could be the problem !

dieselvoyager 02-18-2018 12:52 PM

If I remember right you need 5,5 litter ATF oil to an 2,8CRD !

dieselvoyager 02-18-2018 12:57 PM

There is two marks on the oil stick warm and hot , if you only drow a few miles it's not suppose to go abow the warm mark !

yableep 02-18-2018 01:31 PM

The engine was hot after about an hours drive when I checked it, and the oil level was above the warm mark.

QinteQ 02-18-2018 04:33 PM

Here for pic

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